Friday, February 4, 2011

Scenes from Kline Manor

The set up:

Savannah and Kaylee are in a period of complete obsession with Michael Jackson. They have the luxury of only knowing him as a talented singer and dancer. I, on the other hand, can't think of Michael without focusing on the crazy. So I'm a little jealous.

Santa brought this Michael Jackson game for the Wii. The kids love it. Kevin patiently tolerates it. And me? Well, honestly if I hear 'Dirty Diana' one more time, I may take a hostage. In an effort to expand her repertoire, Savannah chose to play 'The Girl Is Mine' on this particular day.

Katie: "Who is Paul McCartney?"

Savannah: " I don't know. I think he might be Jesse McCartney's dad."

8 years of the finest public school education my tax dollars could buy and my kid has no idea who Paul McCartney is. I weep for our nation's future.

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