Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ok. I want a dog. I know. It's ridiculous. Wanting a newborn would make more sense. At least it would be a tax deduction. I think mainly I have fallen victiom to peer pressure. Two of my favorite bloggers, Tbogg and Pioneer Woman both have basset hounds. I had one when I was growing up and maybe I'm just having some nostalgia issues.

These are the reasons I definitely should not get a dog.

- There are 9 people living in this house at least 50% of the time.

- Although it's a losing battle, I really like to have a clean house. Shut up. I said I was losing the battle.

- We have no fence and we won't be getting a fence anytime in the near future.

- For all their promises to the contrary, the kids will not be helping me with the dog. Oh sure, they'll make an attempt for a few weeks (if I'm lucky) but I think we all know that, as with most everything, I will end up feeding, walking and training the dog. This is not an attempt to paint myself as a martyr, it's just true. You know. I know it. They know it.

- Dogs have long, horrible toenails and we have leather furniture.

- Dogs have to be walked early in the morning even if it's cold and/or you want to sleep late.

-Did I mention that we often have 9 people living here already?

These are the reasons I definitely should get a dog.

- It would annoy the cat which would bring me joy.

That's all I have but it really seems like plenty, doesn't it?

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This year I am going to read this book.

I know. I know. I said that last year...and the year before that. But I mean it this time. I've owned a copy of this book since I was 17 years old and I can never make it past the first chapter. I'm not even sure why I need to read it. I just do. Some people have exciting, life-altering, experiences on their 'bucket lists'. Mine is just filled with books I really don't want to read. I know I'm boring. Don't be a hater.

So this is the year.

But not this month, because I'm trying to get things settled at work.

And probably not in February because I have a few books from Christmas that I am anxious to start.

And March is out of the question because the kids are out for spring break which means the most reading I will get done is ,perhaps, the back of the Tide container.

And April is always busy with birthdays...

Maybe this summer...

Or by my birthday.


Friday, January 2, 2009


The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool.

George Santayana

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Memo from Mama

The first in a multi-part series wherein I dispense the knowledge, advice and (more often than not), complete nonsense handed down to me from my mother and other assorted old ladies I have known.

Never wash clothes on New Years Day or you'll wash somebody out of your family.

Nana tells me this every year. Apparently throwing a load of dirty towels into the Maytag on January 1st is tantamount to murdering a loved one. Who knew?

Is this just another superstitious old wive's tale? Of course it is. But it will get you out of doing laundry at least one day a year so I say embrace it as gospel.