Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ok. I want a dog. I know. It's ridiculous. Wanting a newborn would make more sense. At least it would be a tax deduction. I think mainly I have fallen victiom to peer pressure. Two of my favorite bloggers, Tbogg and Pioneer Woman both have basset hounds. I had one when I was growing up and maybe I'm just having some nostalgia issues.

These are the reasons I definitely should not get a dog.

- There are 9 people living in this house at least 50% of the time.

- Although it's a losing battle, I really like to have a clean house. Shut up. I said I was losing the battle.

- We have no fence and we won't be getting a fence anytime in the near future.

- For all their promises to the contrary, the kids will not be helping me with the dog. Oh sure, they'll make an attempt for a few weeks (if I'm lucky) but I think we all know that, as with most everything, I will end up feeding, walking and training the dog. This is not an attempt to paint myself as a martyr, it's just true. You know. I know it. They know it.

- Dogs have long, horrible toenails and we have leather furniture.

- Dogs have to be walked early in the morning even if it's cold and/or you want to sleep late.

-Did I mention that we often have 9 people living here already?

These are the reasons I definitely should get a dog.

- It would annoy the cat which would bring me joy.

That's all I have but it really seems like plenty, doesn't it?


Zebraman said...

As long as we enroll it in obedience school!

Rachel said...

Let's enroll the kids in obedience school and leave the dog out of it :)