Thursday, February 10, 2011


"I'm a foot-washing, Psalm-singing, total immersion Democrat"

- Liz Carpenter

Me too!

And herein lies the post I hate to write. But I gotta.

Two weeks ago at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama confirmed his faith in Christ. Don't start arguing with me yet. Just gimme a second here. When questioned about it later, Obama responded that he had given his life to Jesus Christ. I point that out because I feel his language is important. Plenty of people claim to be Christians. Very few people, in my experience, use the kind of definitive language that Obama did. I was no fan of George W. Bush. But when he professed his faith in Christ, I never once said "No way. Not buying it." You may have a litany of things that you feel prove Obama is not a Christian. But I believe I could biblically come up with just as many reasons to disprove Bush's faith. But I'm not sure what the point of that would be.

Maybe you just hate Obama's guts. I'm ok with that. He ain't my personal favorite either. But I saw a huge focus group from Iowa state that they simply do not believe that he is a Christian at all. They believe he is a Muslim. I cannot wrap my head around this. If Obama is planning to enact Sharia law in America and proclaim himself our Kenyan Islamic Overlord, when does he plan to get that going? I mean he has been president for 2 years. It seems like that's the kinda thing you should get moving on pretty quickly, right? I am not being completely facetious here. I'm just trying to say that if Obama's plan is to ruin all that we cherish as a Christian nation, you would have to admit that he sucks at it. Obama and his pissant democratic cohorts in Congress can't even repeal tax cuts for millionaires. I don't think you have to worry about them becoming the Taliban 2.0.

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