Monday, September 17, 2012

Glutton Part 5

Sin is just so much easier. 
I’m ashamed to admit that, but it’s true.  Doing exactly what I want to do takes no effort at all.  But trying to do the right thing?  Doing things God’s way?  Well, that takes work. The breakthrough only comes when I realize that work is not bad.  Having to work at something doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. 
I don’t have to try to be faithful to my husband.  I am a stay at home mom.  My exposure to other men is minimal.  I love my husband and I have no desire to compromise our marriage but I can’t honestly say that I have lots of temptation to do so. It’s easy for me to be a Godly, faithful spouse because I don’t face my adversary in that arena.  My arena is the kitchen, the grocery store, the restauraunt.  Any place where food shows up, I will be in a battle.

I stand here today bearing the scars of my defeats. I look bad.  I feel bad.  And I'm not fooling anyone.  Most sin is easy to hide for a while.  But gluttony isn’t.  Half the shame of being a glutton is knowing that every bite I take in secret will eventually be on display.
And finally, I think I have figured out one of the biggest reasons behind my failure. You see I wasn’t really asking God to change my life, I just wanted him to change my pants size.  God was able to give me far more than I was requesting.  My prayer proved how small my faith was.  Being fat isn't my problem.  Gluttony and sin is my problem.  I have spent 25 years trying to control the symptoms.

Now it's time to cure the disease.

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