Monday, May 21, 2012

Memo from Mama

Dear girls,

We just saw The Lucky One.  You loved it...because you are young teenagers and you don't know any better.  I didn't hate it but it did amuse me.  In this movie, Zac Efron is a Iraqi War veteran who walks from Colorado to Louisiana (of course he did) to find a woman from a picture that he felt saved his life.  A guardian angel if you will.  When he finally meets her, she is a plucky single mom.  Why are all single moms in the movies plucky?  What does plucky even mean?

Anyway, this guardian angel mom has, (surprise, surprise) one young son.  Single movie moms always have one young son.  He is precocious and adorable and he always instantly bonds with the love interest.  Not once does the little boy stomp upstairs screaming "You are NOT my dad!".

I know you are far too young to understand how ridiculous these romances are.  And that's ok.  You will learn soon enough.  But I hope that one day you will realize that you watched a great love story unfold right in your own home.  I hope you will know that a a man who will take on three little girls who were often not adorable is the real romantic hero.  I hope you won't take the amount of love that was necessary to sustain this goofy blended family for granted.

And above all, I want you to always remember that your mama was the lucky one.

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