Thursday, March 15, 2012

Book Review - Heads You Lose

Head's  You Lose is one of the funniest books I've read in a long time.   One of the authors, Lisa Lutz, is the author of the Spellman books that I've talked about here before. She has a very dry wit which appeals to me as you might imagine. David Hayward is the co-author.  Each author writes a different chapter so they're handing the book back and forth to write it and writing letters to each other within.  Those letters make up the funniest part of the book.  It's fun to read how the two authors quibble back and forth, kill off each other's characters, and pretty much critique every word that the other author writes.  I'm not sure how much of this is a contrived schtick for the book and how much of it is the real relationship between the two authors but it's fun to read either way.  The basic story is a murder mystery. The two main characters are a brother and sister who run a small pot farm.  How could you go wrong when your two main characters own a pot farm?

1 comment:

Zebraman said...

Even the tiny bits that I've perused on the throne were hilarious. Where did you hide this book?