Sunday, August 10, 2008


Oops. I did it again. I put my faith in yet another politician who has now admitted his adulterous affair. So the main lesson I have learned from this is that I should not be putting my faith into politicians in the first place.

But a bigger question emerges. Am I just pathologically unable to recognize a lying, cheating, bag-o-crap when I see one? After the experiences I have had, one would think that I would be the last person to staunchly defend these accused philanderers. So in one sense, I think my continued naivete proves that I haven't turned into a bitter old cynic. On the other hand, I think it does proves pretty definitively that I am a punk.

1 comment:

Emily Kline said...

Politics- the perfect word for such a thing.
"Poli" being Latin for "many", and "tics" being "bloodsucking creatures".