Monday, January 21, 2013

Glutton - Part 21

I don't think more is the answer.

For instance, I have a really nice smartphone.  It has amazing capabilities.   Know what I use it for?  I make calls. I check my email, Facebook and Twitter.  Occasionally,  I play solitaire while waiting on the kids.  That's it.  That is probably ten percent of what my phone is capable of doing.

We subscribe to  cable on demand, Netflix, Hulu plus, and a Roku. That probably equals thousands of programs I could watch at any hour of the day or night.  In reality though, we rarely watch more than one or two programs a day.  We are not TV snobs.  We love TV.  But by the time we collapse on the couch for the night, its 9pm and we are too exhausted to search out the vast entertainment possibilities available to us.

For the glutton, more is the enemy of enough.  

I don't need a complicated plan.  Because clearly when things get overwhelming and complex, I revert to my default...which is doughnuts.

So what does enough look like?

For me it looks like this.

1. Reasonable exercise expectations.  
I am not going to do P90x.  I am not going to the gym 9 times a week.  Why set myself up for failure?  I am going to move.  Perhaps it will be a walk?  Or carrying forty loads of laundry up the stairs?  Maybe I will ride one of the kids' bikes (when no one is home and my neighbors aren't watching).  But regardless, I am.gonna stop.beating myself up.  That's one exercise I am totally over.

2. Reasonable supplements. 

3. Reasonable amounts of water.  
I am not going to start carrying a gallon jug around with me.   Also I still hate water but I also hate PTO meetings but I still go every once in a while so clearly I CAN do stuff I hate.

4.  The Scale
I'm done with the scale...for now.  For one, I don't think it's an accurate measurement of anything.  And let's face it.  I let that machine define me.  I let it decide whether I am having a good or bad day.  No more.

4.  Food. 
Obviously this is the big one.  I am going to start easy here.  I am going to  As in things that are recognizable as food.  Not things that comes in a box.  Does this cover every bad food I struggle with? Nope.  But it does simplify my food  philosophy.  Yes I will tweak this as I go but, for now, this is the simplest way for me to fix a good 85% of my pitfalls.

So there it is. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my gosh I just love it so much! You rock!!!!