Thursday, February 4, 2010

It starts young

On our third day of house arrest due to the blizzard of 2010, Katie demanded candy. I have been trying very hard to maintain a menu plan. Because of that, I had plenty of 'real' food to sustain us over the snowy weekend without a last minute run to Kroger. What I did not have was candy...of any kind.

Me: "How about a bowl of cereal?"
Katie: "No"
Me: "How about a bowl of ice cream?"
Katie: "No"
Me: "I'm running out of options here."
Katie: "I need chocolate."

(You should have seen the look in her eyes. It was pure hormonal lust. I've been there.)

Me: "We might have enough flour to make a cake with chocolate frosting?"
Katie: "YES!!!!"

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