A few years ago, on a very slow day at work, my friend and former co-worker Dann created this list. I vowed to blog it and it only took me three years to start the blog and find the list :)
20 Reasons You're Still Working at (Major Healthcare Institution)
1.You enjoy seeing inbred hillbillies get the mediocre service they deserve.
2. Free fast internet while at work.
3.You have the same belief system as the doctor you work for - that he/she is the instrument of God on this earth.
4.Two words: Free turkey
5.That guy you know at St. Thomas who was going to help you get a job there changed his phone number and forgot to tell you.
6.You have 400 hours of sick time saved up, and there's no way you'll let go of that.
7. It took you so damn long to get hired that you feel compelled to stick around for a while.
8.You're willing to sacrifice a large chunk of your life for benefits you've been told are unattainable anywhere else.
9. The dream of validating your favorite country star's parking ticket.
10. 1/2 day spent staring into space + 1/2 day spent complaining = good day.
11. No one else will put up with your pathetic, lazy, whiny self.
12. You want to see just how much more crap they can stack on top of a parking garage.
13. If you hang around long enough, someone is bound to recognize your value and give the position and salary you actually deserve.
14. Eventually, something worth a damn might show up at the food court.
15. You're pretty sure that thing about them putting your kids through college is for real.
16. If you get fired, you can always pull out some sort of discrimination issue and maybe win a big lawsuit.
17. Showing up late and leaving early every day is just one of many unadvertised benefits.
18. You're just too apathetic and bitter to move on.
19. That 3 percent yearly raise seems reasonable to you.
20. Sooner or later, that sorry heifer down the hall will die, and then you'll have your own office
Like You Need Any: More Weird Reasons To Buy Cake
Need more excuses to eat cake, minions? Then I'VE GOT YA COVERED.
Why not celebrate:
*The Birth of Man*
A little esoteric perhaps, but if anyone asks, j...
14 hours ago
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