Saturday, June 21, 2008

I haz bin tagged

The PHNMBSTYSBOTW tagged me.

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning of the post. Each player answers the questions about themselves in their post. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago I was a deliriously happy first time mom. Savannah was two months old. She nursed badly, cried all the live-long day (and night!) but I didn't care. I was just crazy in love with that baby. I still kinda like her :)

2. What are five things on my list to do today?

1)Finish up odds and ends for one of my bosses (this is her last week! Yeah!)
2)Take the kids to the pool after work
3)Vaccuum (ie therapy)
4)Laundry (always)
5)Plan rest of life...(maybe)

3. Snacks I enjoy?
I enjoy Little Debbie snack cakes but honestly, if you eat three of them you pretty much have to call it a meal. Know what I'm sayin?

4. Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire?

-Start subsidized daycare, after school and summer care program for working families.
-Build ten bedroom house on Old Hickory Lake
-Still make Ryan pay child support (It's the principle of the thing, dammit!)
-Fund grant award for young scientist who can create carb free Little Debbie snack cakes

5. Three of my bad habits?
Cursing (I'm working on it...really...sometimes)
Swiss Cake Rolls

6. Five places I have lived?
Hendersonville, TN
Murfreesboro, TN

How pathetic is it that I am three short here?

7. Five jobs I’ve had?

1) Hotel maid
2) Preschool teacher
3) Salad bar girl
4) Bean Packer (I was also a case printer, oil inspector, warehouse clerk and supervisor at this job but bean packer is funnier...)
5) Surgery Scheduler

8. How did you name your blog?
I basically drove myself nuts trying to think of a witty, non-cheesey name for my blog. I finally gave up thus JustRachel.

Now for the tagging:
Alas, the tag must end here because I'm a friendless goober and, as a Baptist, most everyone I know thinks the internet is just a conduit for satan and porn so they don't actually have blogs...


Zebraman said...

Based on the jobs you've worked, I get the impression that you didn't think as much of yourself as we do AND that you have a problem with Swiss Cake Rolls.

Rachel said...

In my defense, all of those jobs ,except my current one, were during my college years so it wasn't as if I was planning a career in hotel sanitation or anything :)

And, I haven't eaten a Swiss Cake Roll in four years but 'one day at a time' still applies.