I'm a wife. I'm a mother. I'm a step-mom. I spend most of my time grumbling and/or doing laundry. I love to read, talk, garden and vacuum. I don't have an opinion on everything but I can form one in about thirty seconds.
Antique Mystique
John and I recently spent the weekend traipsing through one of the South's
largest annual antique fairs. BECAUSE THE FUN NEVER STOPS HERE. (And also
THE ...
Hours the thirteenth through eighteenth.
And thence to bed.
I got really wrapped up in The Trespasser. SOMEBODY HERE IS CROOKED. And my
copy is trade paperback, so the pages take forEVER to read ...
An appreciation: Pat Summitt
Growing up in middle Tennessee, Pat Summitt has been a legend as long as I
can remember. Winning a national championship in 1987 showed the nation
what w...
I met Emily when she was 13. Even then, she was looking forward to turning 18. I pray that being an official adult is all that she hoped for. She has a boyfriend, she has a car, she has a job, she has a European vacation in the works.
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