I used to be a good housekeeper...or at least I thought I was. I admit to liking my home to be a bit cleaner and more organized than a normal person. I'm not proud of that. It's my mother's fault. (Isn't it always?)
Here's what I have learned in the past year. I was a tolerable housekeeper in a tiny house. In a large one, I'm mediocre at best. I'm trying hard to accept this new reality. You should too.
While Kevin was out of town last week, I cleaned underneath the couch. (Is it just me or has my life gotten exciting as hell lately?) Anyway, this is what I found. Now I'm not blaming Dylan for this mess. I'm just telling you that this is under 'his' seat. And when I say 'his', I mean if you happen to be sitting there, he will demand that you move. That being said, obviously Dylan is to blame for this mess. The other kids are not immune from blame though. Here is the rest of the couch. Upon seeing this you might assume that this collection of crap has been accumulating for quite a while, years maybe. And you would be wrong. It's been about three months since I last cleaned under the couch.( How pathetic is is that I clean underneath furniture quarterly?)
While Dylan and Emily make their share of messes, they are no match for the little girls. These five females are pros.
This is the havoc they will create on an average school morning. They each must have a blanket to wrap up in while I get their breakfast. Then they each have no less than two hangers for their school clothes plus last night's pajamas. All of these items must be flung upon the floor as soon as the kids are finished with them.
Certainly I want the kids to learn to pick up after themselves but school starts very early and we always seem to be running just late enough to prevent that. And, sure, I could leave this mess for them to pick up when they get home in the afternoon.That would be the responsible thing to do. And it would also drive me insane. So, yeah, my kids will grow up to be irresponsible slobs in order to preserve my mental health. Frankly, I don't need your judgement.
Great Expectations
I know we all love wedding wrecks with a schadenfreude-filled passion, but
when it comes to what-they-wanted vs. what-they-got wrecks, believe me,*
it's ...
17 hours ago
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